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Why Are Persian Cats So Popular?

Why Are Persian Cats So Popular

Persian cats are the most popular cats in the world, except for the domestic shorthair or moggy as they are called in the UK. Persians are the number one pedigreed cat in the United States and number five in the UK.

Why are they this popular? What makes people want them as pets? We’ll look at those reasons below.

Persians Today

The Persian cat that we know today, with the flat or brachycephalic face, is bred from a genetic mutation. This anomaly was isolated in 1942 and used to reproduce the Persian cats of today. This trait would have disappeared from the Persian population if selective breeding with the mutation wasn’t used.

Persian cats born without the trademark flat face are doll-faced or traditional Persians as they are closer to the original Persian cats than their flat-faced peers. Some breeders and owners prefer the traditional look. Some have concerns about the health of the flat-faced Persians.

Both types of Persians have the long, soft coat they are well known for as well as all other Persian traits.

Where Did Persian Cats Popularity Come From?

Persians were exotic to people of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries even though the breed goes further back. The reason they were popular was their exotic look and the fact they originated in Iran. In earlier centuries, long-haired cats weren’t as common as short-haired cats, which also lends to their popularity.

Persians wouldn’t have been attainable to the commoner. They were expensive so, they were aristocratic pets, talking points in high society. They are just as popular now as they were then, but they are more attainable.

What Makes Persians Attractive To People?

There are as many reasons as there are owners or owners to be. Below are a few of the reasons.

  • Their faces

Persians are known for their flat or brachycephalic faces, even though this trait can have complications, overheating in hot weather, breathing problems, and possible eye problems as well. There are also those called doll-faced or traditional Persians that some people prefer.

  • Their coat

Persian cats have long, soft fur, which is soft, fluffy, and a delight to run your hand over. This fluffy, long hair does come at a cost. Persians need daily brushing. This will keep your kitty’s coat in top condition. Their fur will tangle and knot if neglected.

There are numerous colors, a favorite for everyone.

  • Their Colors

Persians have a multitude of coat colors. There are many choices for a new owner. Below is a list of all the Persian Cat Colors.

Solids. Black, blue, red, white, cream, lilac, and chocolate.

Color points, which are similar to Siamese. Those colors are, Lynx points and have tabby markings, Seal points, having dark brown extremities and ears, plus there are Blue Points, Red Points, Cream Points, Lilac Points, Chocolate Points, and Tortie Points. All point colors have blue eyes.

Tortoiseshell or Tortie is a cat with two colors and very little white. Red and black, cream and blue, lilac, cream, and chocolate. These colors are mixed together like two paint colors before they are well blended. All Torties have copper eyes. A cat with red and black patches with white are known as calico.  

Tabby is a cat with a patterned coat. They have a light coat with dark spots, stripes, or marbling. The three main markings are:

Mackerel or Tiger. Stripes at along their sides to the spine, around the body, down the tail, and legs.

Marbled, also referred to as classic or blotched. These coats have wide stripes that curl around making rosettes on the cat’s sides.

Patched or Spotted. Large spots cover the body.

Colors included red, blue, blue-silver, brown, cameo, and silver, and cream.

Persians with these coats have copper eyes, except those with silver coats. They may have green or hazel eyes.

Bi-color, Parti-Color or Harlequins. This coat is when there is white and one other color in the coat. Bi-color includes Vans and Harlequins. In the United States, Van are considered a coat with an all-white body and color only on the top of the head and the tail. In Europe, the body may have a small patch of color as well as the head and tail. Harlequins are bi-colored and should be half to three quarters white and half to one quarter color.

Colors can be red, blue, black, chocolate, lilac, and cream.

Eyes are copper-colored.

Smoke and Shaded. These colors are interesting and unique. Smoke is where the coat looks solid, but when the cat moves or is petted, their white hair is exposed. Fifty to eighty percent of the hair is colored, giving way to a silver-white root. If the hair is only a third colored and the rest white this is called Shaded.

Colors: black smoke, blue smoke, blue-cream smoke, cream smoke, red smoke, and tortoiseshell smoke.

Eyes are copper colored.

Chinchilla. A chinchilla coat is pure silver or white undercoat with black tipping over the tail, back, sides, head, and ears. Tipping is when only an eighth of the tip has color.

The Silver-Shaded Persian has only one third of the tip colored. This makes their coat darker than the Chinchilla Persian.

The Golden Chinchilla Persian, which is the rarest color, has a golden cream or apricot color with black tipping.

Their eyes can be green or blue-green, circled with black. The black circle is a distinguishing trait of Chinchilla Persians.  

  • Their Personality

Persians are sweet and loving with their owners. They are a calm breed. They aren’t nervous around new people like other cats can be. They might even sneak into your company’s lap for some attention. They are loving, docile cats who love cuddles. Persians are low energy. They will sit on your lap for hours if you want. They thrive in calm, quiet homes rather than loud, energetic ones. They will entertain their family with their humorous, big eyed, expressions.

Final Thoughts

The Persian is a popular choice for many homes as they possess a bounty of wonderful traits as stated above. Persian cats are well rounded, fuzzy, furry felines that anyone would enjoy having as a pet. This is part of their charm and the reason they are so popular.

Anyone considering a Persian cat should do their research to ensure that they find a conscientious breeder, selling healthy, well-adjusted cats.

What do you think? Did we miss anything you love about Persians that you’d add? Tells us below in the comments.

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