Persian cats sleep 12 to 16 hours a day. However, they can sleep up to 20 hours a day. The stage of life your Persian is at can change the time that they sleep. Kittens and Senior cats will sleep more than a cat in its prime years. The hours that Persians sleep are no different than other breeds. Cats, including Persians, sleep so much to conserve energy.
Why Does Your Persian Sleep So Much?
Your cat is hard-wired to sleep a lot. Cats in the wild must hunt to live. They are what is called crepuscular. Crepuscular means they are most active at dawn and dusk. They use the rest of the day and night to conserve energy by sleeping.
Dusk and dawn are the best times for cats to hunt as there is enough light for them to see their prey, but it’s dark enough for them to hide. Most of their game are crepuscular creatures as well.
Your cat probably doesn’t hunt for their food, but the innate behavior remains. So, cats sleep in a pattern that fits their evolution. Some cats will adapt to their owners’ sleep patterns and sleep all night through with them. I have yet to see a cat that will stay awake all day. Day sleeping seems to be a cat thing no matter in what household they live.
Sleeping Habits of Cats
- Cats nap rather than sleep for long periods. It is safer for them to sleep for short periods in the wild, eating, drinking, and grooming in between their naps. Cats can fall asleep much faster than their human counterparts. Their sleep consists of entering a slow-wave rest and then moving into a REM cycle that lasts only a few minutes.
- Cats are alert while they sleep. They need to be ready to spring into action in an instant.
- Cats snore. Snoring can be due to a slight obstruction to their airway caused by the position they sleep. Persian cats are prone to snoring due to the fact they have flat faces.
- Cats dream. If your cat twitches its whiskers, paws, eyelids, or twitches its tail in their sleep, it indicates they are dreaming.
- Weather affects how much your cat sleeps. We aren’t the only ones who want to nap when the weather is dreary. Expect your cat to sleep more on a rainy or snowy day.
- Cats will sleep on all your stuff. Cat’s don’t sleep on your property because they want to annoy you. It’s because your things have your scent on them. That makes your cat feel safe. When you find your cat sleeping on your favorite pair of jeans instead of in their cat bed, it’s because they love you.
- Cats will adapt their sleep schedules to their humans’. Your cat won’t stay awake all day as you do, but they will work their sleeping time around yours. They tend to sleep more when you sleep and are awake more when you are, but that won’t stop them from having their naps throughout the day.
Abnormal Sleep Behavior
The way your cat sleeps can tell you about their health. If you notice your cat sleeping too much or too little, you should keep a close watch on them. There could be an underlying health problem.
Is Your Cat Sleeping Too Much?
On average, a cat sleeps 12 to 16 hours a day. More than this may indicate a problem. Kittens sleep more than an adult cat. Elderly cats can also sleep more than twelve to sixteen hours because of their age. If you have an adult cat that hasn’t reached their senior years, you should assess them for any issues.
Cats can oversleep because they overate. They will oversleep if they are bored or depressed. However, if your cat isn’t their bright, perky self when they are awake and sleep way more than usual, it can indicate illness. If you notice this in your cat, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian.
Is Your Cat Not Sleeping Enough?
Say your Persian has always slept through the night with you but then becomes restless or doesn’t sleep all night with you. Monitor them for other signs of illness or injury. Your cat may also exhibit this type of behavior if you’ve had a lifestyle change, such as a new baby, marriage, divorce, or death. Your cat senses your stress and then become stressed themselves.
Older cats, those considered senior, may not sleep well. They can have arthritis pain that might not let them rest. There is a possibility that your cat may develop dementia, and instead of sleeping, might pace around because they don’t remember they should sleep.
Your cat may have sleep apnea. If you notice your cat snores more than usual, or if your cat pauses for too long between breaths, they may have apnea. Persians are at high risk for this due to their flat faces. Overweight cats can suffer from apnea as well. It would be best if you did all you can to assess this issue. You should have a vet check your cat out to see if apnea is the cause of any changes you notice.
Hyperthyroidism is another issue your cat may have. If your cat of middle-age or senior years has an irregular sleep schedule along with weight loss, they may have hyperthyroidism. Some other symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be yowling, dull coat, and appetite change. The good news is that if your cat does have hyperthyroidism is there are many treatment options. If you suspect this disease in your cat, please take them to the vet.
Cats, not just Persians, sleep a lot of hours a day, somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 to 16 hours. Kittens and Senior cats can sleep up to twenty hours a day. With this knowledge, you should be aware when your cat isn’t sleeping right so that you can catch anything wrong early.
Domestic cats still have their wild cousins’ instincts, and their sleep patterns match those of their extended family. However, domestic cats will adjust their sleep schedules around their human family to be awake when their humans are. They don’t want to miss the attention. Persians love getting attention, so they aren’t going to miss their humans by sleeping too long.
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