In short, yes, Persian cats are shy. Persian cats don’t like boisterous households full of kids or other rambunctious pets. They more than likely will seek out a place to hide in a noisy home. That doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t seek attention from their chosen person. Persians are quite content to have one person that is theirs.
Why Are Persian Cats Shy?
Persian cats are one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. They were coveted by royalty and wealthy people who liked the docile, majestic breed. They were bred to keep their docile, shy nature and raised as lap cats. These cats are sweet and regal animals. They are the royalty of cat breeds.
Persians seek out quiet, out of the way places to sleep so they won’t be bothered.
Shy and Affectionate?
Persian cats are affectionate, but they gravitate toward one, maybe two of their most trusted people. They aren’t likely to stick around when you have guests. Persians will seek a hiding spot when you have visitors not even found in their regular lounging spot. If faced with a stranger, your Persian will try to escape, not wanting the attention of such a person.
Your cat may warm up to quiet, docile people since they appear more on the same level as your Persian. Even calm, quiet children may be able to pet them. So, don’t despair, you won’t have to choose between your Persian or your children!
Persians will only allow petting if they are into it. Once they are tired of it, they will get up and walk off.
How To Deal With A Shy Persian Cat?
You now know that Persian cats are ordinarily shy. So, it’s nothing to worry about. You need only learn what your Persian is like and prepare for a quiet, shy, and withdrawn feline.
Respect your Persian’s space, and your Persian will return your respect. What your Persian wants from you most is that you provide for their basic needs.
After bringing a new Persian home, you should give them time to get used to you and you to them. Provide you new Persian a quiet place of their own where they can get away from the hustle and bustle of your home. That goes whether you are the only person, have a family, or even other pets. Your Persian should have their area off-limits to everyone but them.
Once your Persian gets used to your home, they will come to you and introduce themselves. You can then proceed to pet them and hold them as they will allow. Allowing things to move at a natural pace grows trust between the two of you and will keep things without stress.
You should always use caution when introducing new things to your Persian. Even a short trip into the back garden may stress and upset your Persian. They are lap cats, and this breeding can hold up any adventures you may want to take your Persian on.
When it comes to children, you should caution them to be gentle and calm with your Persian. We all know that children can get boisterous and your Persian won’t like that.
Is Something Wrong?
Since your Persian is the type that wants to spend lots of time alone, you may wonder how you will detect something not right with your pet. The best way to see when something isn’t right is to be aware of when your cat comes typically out to eat, drink, or use the cat box. Are they grooming themselves? Grooming gives you an excellent time to check your Persian over to make sure they are physically sound. Brushing them out daily or every other day should be a habit you pick up quickly.
Your Persian should come and ask you for their food if their food bowl is empty or at least sit near their dish and meow at you. Same with water. If your Persian wants to be held, they will come and get on your lap or fuss at you to sit so you can cuddle them.
If your Persian stops any of the things they usually do, you should take note. They could have an off day, or it could mean something more that may require a vet’s visit.
You know that Persian cats are shy animals. They love to spend time alone, curled up in their own quiet little space. They will bond with one or two of their favorite people. What about your Persian cat or cats? Are they shy, or are they a different type of Persian? We all know that there are exceptions to the rule, even my own Persian cat doesn’t conform to most of the typical Persian stereotypes.
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Thank you, that is great to hear 🙂