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Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?

When I tell people I meet for the first time that I have a Persian cat I often hear comments like “Aren’t they bad for allergies” and “I’m allergic to cats” or “does your cat make you sneeze all the time” and so on and so forth.

You get the idea, people assume that if your cat has long hair that it will somehow bring out their allergy and they will implode into a sneezing fit.

Many people wonder if the Persian cat is hypoallergenic or not.

What Does it Mean When a Cat is Hypoallergenic?

Some breeds of cat are often referred to as hypoallergenic which means that they’re less likely to cause an allergy to suffers.

The main causes of cat allergies are cat dander and a protein (Fel d 1) that is found in cat saliva.

You may hear people referring to low allergy cats or hypoallergenic, technically no cat is 100% hypoallergenic. This is actually a common myth.

There are breeds of cat that produce more cat danger or more Fel d 1 from their saliva and these will cause allergies in people that suffer from these types of allergies.

Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?

Persian cats aren’t hypoallergenic and can bring out allergies due to their long coats that can often contain high levels of cat dander if they aren’t bathed often.

All cats produce the protein Fel d 1 in their saliva but Persians aren’t the worst breed for the production of this protein. unneutered male cats tend to produce more of this protein than females.

Personally, I’ve never had any friends or family have an allergic reaction to my Persian cat so I can’t say that the Persian is a bad cat for allergies.

If you have a history of allergy symptoms around cats then the Persian cat may bring out these symptoms. There are actually a lot of preventions that I will cover later in this article.

Which Breeds of Cat Are Said To Be Hypoallergenic?

As mentioned above no breed is 100% hypoallergenic but the breeds below, in general, are lower allergy cats than say a Persian or Maine Coon.

  • Siberian Cat (Low Fel d 1 protein)
  • British Shorthair
  • Russian Blue
  • Siamese
  • Bengal
  • Devon Rex
  • Cornish Rex
  • Abyssinian
  • Balinese (Low Fel d 1 protein)
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Sphynx
  • Javanese
  • Ocicat

How To Reduce Cat Allergies

You’ve decided that you just can’t live without that fluffy Persian kitten that you’ve seen or you’ve bought a Persian cat and realised it’s causing you to sneeze and have runny eyes and the usual cat allergy symptoms. So what do you do now?

There are several ways to reduce cat allergies and most are very easy to implement.


If you have a Persian cat then you should be grooming it. Not only is it very important to brush their fur to remove mats and tangles but this will also help reduce shedding which can cause allergies.

Bathing your Persian cat is also another vital element to not only keeping their fur in top condition but this also reduces cat dander significantly. If your allergy is caused by cat dander (as many allergies are) then this could help you.

Cleaning Your House

This might sound obvious but keeping your house clean will not only reduce cat danger but it will also reduce the amount of Fel d 1 protein from cat saliva.

Regular vacuuming and dusting of surfaces will prevent allergies. Vacuum everywhere, the walls, ceilings, furniture, blinds and curtains.

Don’t forget to clean the windows as they’re an area that often catches cat hair.

If you clean and vacuum your house 2 or 3 times per week you will reduce the chances of your allergy flaring up.

Air Purifier

Certain air purifiers can remove pet dander from the air and as a result, this can vastly reduce your cat allergy. Definitely worth the investment in my opinion. I recently reviewed the best air purifiers for cat allergies which you may find useful.

Keep Your Cats Out of Your Bedroom

Everybody loves sleeping with their furry friend snuggled up at the bottom of the bed or on your pillow but this is the worst thing you can do for cat allergies. If your cat sleeps on your bed or pillow when you’re out then you will be breathing in cat dander and Fel d 1 protein whilst you’re sleeping which is sure to set off your runny nose. Avoid this if you can.

Use Antibacterial Hand Wash

After touching your cat be sure to use antibacterial hand wash before touching your face or eyes. Again, this is just a precautionary measure you may want to take.

Wash Pet Bedding Regularly

Pet bedding is a haven for cat fur and dander, I recommend washing pet bedding every few weeks to avoid allergies.

Move The Litter Box

Cat litter boxes are a place where bacteria manifests. Moving the litter box from a living room or bathroom to a utility type room can work wonders. Another tip would be a hooded litter box or an automatic litter box.


If you have an allergy to cats then the Persian cat certainly isn’t the easiest breed to contend with but that’s not to say it isn’t possible.

It will be hard work and will require a fair amount of maintenance in order to keep your home an allergy-free place.

7 thoughts on “Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic?”

  1. Thanks a million I am allergic to some breeds of cats my son know I’ve been interested in getting 1 He sent me a heart melting pic of a Persian kitten I wanted to ignore all the signs and get her anyway.. but thn I googled and this thread came up.. soo happy I came across it.. even though it was great and helpful information.. it bought me back to reality tht there could be no way I could risk my health.. I Thank you and yes very helpful

    1. Hi Angela,

      Thank you for your kind words, I’m glad the post helped you. Just to let you know that the Persian isn’t the worst for cat allergies and I know people that have Persians who have allergies and they manage it to a level that it doesn’t cause them any problems.

  2. Great Article! We just adopted a Persian cat and after 1 week my husband developed allergies. Swollen, red eyes and all the other symptoms. He got some prescription eye drops and we are waiting for an allergist appt but in the mean time we are trying to deal with it. I found your article very helpful. Quick question: how often – when you say: often – we should be bathing the cat?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Anna, Thank you for your kind comments, I’m glad you found the article useful. Sorry to hear your husband has developed an allergy from your Persian, it’s definitely manageable though. Firstly, with regards to bathing I would start at once every 3 weeks and if you still see a lot of loose hair then you could look to bath them every 2 weeks. I have an article on bathing them here . If my house isn’t vacuumed often then I somethings get some symptoms of a pet allergy (watering eyes, runny nose etc), I’ve found bathing often, regular vacuuming and cleaning of the house, keeping the cats out of the bedroom, combined with an air purifier have all but stopped the issues. I have a post here on air purifiers for cat allergies . Let me know how you get on and best of luck and hang in there, it will get better!


  3. My partner has a cat allergy and we got a Persian (looking back this was pretty risky) however he’s never had any problems with her. We bathe her every so often and have an air purifier. Yesterday he stroked a moggy and was sniffling almost instantly! Maybe we got lucky but I do think she’s less allergenic than other cats.

    1. Hi Briony, Glad to hear your husband doesn’t have any allergy issues with your Persian cat. I think the key here is regular baths and air purifiers to keep the allergens away. As you say, maybe some cats are more allergenic than others, I think is definitely the case with outdoor cats.

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