It’s that time of year again- it’s Milo’s 5th birthday today!
For those of you who have followed the blog for any amount of time will know that I write an annual update on Milo’s birthday, it has become a bit of a tradition on the blog.
As I sit down to write this post I can’t believe Milo is 5 years old, it seems like only a short while ago since he was a kitten. Time certainly goes by fast.
Over the past year, Milo has been Milo, this means he’s been chasing Teddy (his brother), meowing to go outside in the garden, eating plenty of dry food (his favourite), playing with his toys, sitting in any cardboard box he can find and coming into our bedroom early in the morning and parking his backside on our pillows or head!

In terms of his behaviour, I haven’t noticed any real difference from the previous year or so, he continues to behave like an adult cat in his prime, he’s quite active for a Persian and loves to climb. Put him on the top of the wardrobe and he will chill there for hours, he loves being at height, the polar opposite to Teddy his brother, who’s a British Shorthair and loves being on the ground.

When the weather is nice we like to take him to the park with his brother Teddy, we go to remote, quiet parks and let them have a runaround, usually on a lead. They absolutely love this experience and it gives them the chance to explore nature in a safe way. Being indoor cats I feel it’s important for them to have a run out every now and then. This year so far due to the Covid-19 situation and the parks being shut we’ve been limited to the number of times we can take them out. The other day was the first time they’ve been to the park this year and they loved it as always.

Milo is one of them cats that I think would actually take well to being an outdoor cat, he loves to be outside all the time, be that in the garden or out in the park on the lead. We wouldn’t let him just room outside on his own though, he’s not streetwise enough and I think Persians are best suited to an indoor lifestyle. Their fur soon becomes a mess even after a few hours in the grass.
Healthwise there’s been no issues and long may this continue (touch wood). He’s healthy and the ideal weight according to our vet. The only advisory from the vet in his annual checkup was with regards to one of his back teeth getting a bit discoloured. As a result, I’m trying to brush his teeth (still a work in progress) and feed him some dental biscuits in addition to his normal wet and dry food diet.
Today he will indulge in some treats, and we’ve bought him a few new toys for his birthday.
I’ve started to share more videos on YouTube and will continue to do so over the next year, if you want to see some videos of Milo be sure to head over to out channel and like, comment and subscribe. You can visit our channel here.
Here’s to another healthy, happy year filled with plenty of hugs, treats and meows.