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Do Persian Cats Get Along With Dogs and Other Cats?

Milo and Teddy

Sweet, gentle, calm.

Sure, those words are often used to describe Persian cats. But most of the time, people are talking about one Persian cat. By themselves. What happens if a Persian cat is introduced to another cat. Or even a dog?

If you are considering introducing a Persian cat to your other pets, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we are going to dive into the question many Persian cat owners ask at some point. Will a Persian cat get along with my other pets?

Alright, let’s see if Persian cats can actually get along with dogs and other cats.

But First, Let’s Talk Personality

Before we go too far, let’s talk about the general personality of Persian cats.

While each cat is unique, Persian cats are known for being calm lap-kitties. They enjoy cuddling and lounging. Persian cats are laid-back and docile. But, with the right encouragement, Persian cats also love to play. They will run, jump, and chase toys. So, even though they are known for being calm, Persian cats enjoy occasional playtime.

Generally, Persian cats get along with humans. Persian cats actually crave companionship. They don’t enjoy being left alone for long periods of time. They are a great option for families because they are calm around children. Plus, you typically won’t see a Persian cat scratching or destroying furniture or other items.

So we know that Persians are great for families. But how do they deal with dogs and other cats?

Do Persian Cats Get Along With Other Cats?

Persian cats are generally a calm breed. And this doesn’t change too much around other cats.

Persian cats enjoy frequent attention. They don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time. And their docile and calm nature means they typically won’t initiate a fight with another cat. It might take a while for a Persian cat to adapt to another cat. But, after time, a Persian can coexist with other cats. So, Persian cats work well in multi-cat households.

However, Persian cats expect to be treated with respect. And, if another cat decides to bother a Persian cat, this might create a problem. You might see a Persian cat fight or hiss with other cats. But this typically only happens if another cat doesn’t appreciate a Persian cat’s boundaries. Overall, Persian cats don’t have any issues with other cats.

While Persian cats get along with other cats, this isn’t the case for every breed. You need to be patient when introducing your Persian cat to a new cat. It is important to introduce the new cat slowly and gradually. Try to encourage play between the cats. From the beginning, establish a regular routine that both cats will become familiar with.

Often, it depends on the personalities of each cat. But in general, Persian cats coexist well with other cats.

Do Persian Cats Get Along With Dogs?

Alright, so we now know that Persian cats get along with other cats. But how do they feel about dogs?

Well, it really depends on the dog.

Persian cats are one of the best cat breeds for families and multi-pet households. However, if you have a dog and a Persian cat, it is important to monitor your Persian cat’s anxiety levels.

Aggressive, overly-playful, and hyperactive dogs can increase stress in Persian cats. These cats prefer calm and relaxed settings. So, dogs that chase, bark, or try to play will likely bother your Persian cat. But, a Persian cat would easily get along with a calm and friendly dog. So, if you want to own a dog and a Persian cat, stay away from large and aggressive dogs.

It is important to consider a dog’s personality before introducing it to a Persian cat. If the dog is hyperactive, be prepared for an anxious Persian cat. If your dog and Persian cat have challenges coexisting, try limiting their time together. Over time, allow them to interact under supervised conditions.

Persian cats generally coexist easily in multi-pet households. But, it is important to make sure a Persian cat does not have severe anxiety if they are around a hyperactive dog. If you notice your Persian cat has increased anxiety around your dog, speak to your vet about anti-anxiety options.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it is important for you to decide if your Persian cat would get along with other pets. Every pet is different, so their individual personalities dictate how they will coexist in a multi-pet household.

But, I would feel very comfortable having a Persian cat in a multi-cat household. Persian cats are docile and calm. They enjoy companionship. So, if you are patient and introduce the cats to each other slowly, it shouldn’t be a problem.

If possible, try to introduce multiple cats to the household around the same time. Regardless of breed, it can be challenging to introduce a kitten to an adult cat. The adult cat has spent years establishing their routine and “safe spaces” around the house. So, introducing a kitten can cause friction and lead to anxiety in the adult cat.

And although I would include a Persian cat in a multi-cat household, I would hesitate before including a Persian cat and a dog in the same household. Persian cats can get along with dogs. Especially if the dog is friendly and calm. But aggressive and playful dogs can lead to stress in your Persian cat. So, carefully consider a dog’s personality before introducing it to a Persian cat.

If you decide to include a Persian cat in a multi-pet household, remember to be patient. Give each pet enough time to get familiar with the new pet. It takes time for the pets to establish a new routine. But, if you limit their time, slowly introduce the pets, and establish a routine, you can create a calm multi-pet household.

Do you own a Persian cat as part of a multi-pet household? We would love to hear about your experience! Please feel free to share your story below.

16 thoughts on “Do Persian Cats Get Along With Dogs and Other Cats?”

  1. I slowly introduced a persian male kitten to a 5 year old persian male cat over about 2 weeks and now they are best friends. We are about to introduce an old english sheepdog puppy into the house… we will go very very slow. The vet already gave us gabapentin to give the cats at first. I will update when I can!

    1. Yes I think slow, controlled introductions are certainly key. Keep us posted how the introduction goes with the sheep dog.

  2. I have 2 male Persian cats and 2 bunnies. They all get along fabulously. But bunnies are also very calm. I thought about adding a dog to our family, but I have noticed that my Persian cubs can be a bit territorial and I have decided not to mess with our family bliss.

  3. Hi!
    I was actually wondering which breed would be most recommended for my persian cat? He is a 3 years old male and quite calm with the casual 10 minutes demonic episodes:)) 😅 where he wants to play and release some of that energy he piled up sleeping so long.
    He doesnt have a good history with stray cats somehow. 2 Adult female stray in captivity for 3 years or so .. fail.. he was so domineering over them .. poor cats looked so stressed. A tiny 4 months old male stray… hissed at him and tried to attack him after stalking him as if it was pray. I went with the slow introduction guide and All cats including mine were neutered.
    Would it be better to try a Persian cat companion? Should it be male or female? Should it be adult or kitten?
    I would appreciate your input !
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Carmen, I don’t think there is a certain breed that you could guarantee would get along with your Persian, there are so many individual personalities within the breeds it is difficult to say. My Persian doesn’t match up to many of the typical Persian stereotypes. I know how hard this can be as I have experience of it myself, I got a British Shorthair when Milo (my Persian) was just over 1 year old. Milo is dominant and will boss Teddy (my BSH) around but Teddy also is solid enough to push back and does stand his ground. We do need to stop Milo on occasions when he gets a bit snappy. overall, they get along pretty well.

      You will need to manage the introduction carefully, I wouldn’t go with a tiny kitten, I’d aim for at least 4 months or even get a 1 year old + if you can, again there’s no guarantee that they will get on.

      Based on my own personal experience I would say in terms of breeds either; another Persian, British Shorthair or an Exotic Shorthair (Exotics are similar personality-wise to Persians, minus the short hair obviously!). I would stick to another male but again that’s just based on my personal experience.

      I hope this helps- let me know how you get on.

  4. Hi guys I am in quite dilemma here…! we were offered persian cat doll face after a week of getting Stray kitty both female now.. we got attached to both of them… but we are not sure if they are getting along or they are fighting and how to approach each other. like most of the time persian kitty dont care whats happening and just sleep but stray kitty i m not sure if she is introducing herself or starting a fight cuz even other cat get hissing and such over her.. n we dont want them to hurt eachother… so we are confused.its been like two days… we are confused whether we should keep both cuz theissue is what if none are in house and kitties are alone… ? or should we give one of them to someone… but we dontknow anybody who will have stray cat and care for her good

    1. Hi Kartik,

      I think the only thing you can do in this situation is keep them separate for the time-being and limit contact between them. It’s a gradual process and there’s no guarantee that they will get along in future. My Persian, Milo just about tolerates my other cat Teddy, it isn’t easy at times but workable. Ultimately, only you can decide what is best for the cats but you need to slowly introduce them.

  5. Hi everyone, me and my girl are having problem connecting our new male Persian cat with our 1 year old female Persian cat. We’ve slowly put him down, close to her but she started acting agressive, like chasing him and non stop starring at him. He is chill but he is defending himself and our female cat is I think also scared. I thought it will be good for her to have company even tho she was very happy. She is now looking nervous and unsettled. What do you think I should do? Thank you!

    1. I think for now you have to keep them separate as they will both be very stressed, then VERY slowly start to introduce them again, even if it’s half and hour per day (supervised). It’s important to note they may never get along in harmony but they may tolerate each other. Patience is what’s required at this stage. Let me know how you get on.


  6. I have been offered 2 persian cats (not sure of sex or age as coming from a deceased home). I have a very calm and super friendly 10 year old cat and am worried that introducing a ‘pair’ would be too much for him. Any advice before I agree or reject would be great.

    1. Hi Andy,

      Maybe my message is too late, but there’s no right or wrong with this unfortunately, there’s no doubt that it will change the dynamics in your household and your current cat might not like it. However, if he’s really friendly he may take to them nicely. I think a lot depends on their personalities as well. Do let me know how you got on.


  7. I have a GSD/Border coĺlie puppy. I take him for long walks regularily every day as I am retired.
    I would like to get a kitten was thinking more of a house cat, as we don’t have our own garden.
    What breed of cat would you recommend I get for my 13 year old?

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