Two of the most popular cat breeds in the US and UK are the Persian and Maine Coon. They rank in the top ten of most lists.
The cross between a standard Persian and the Maine Coon cat is an interesting breed. But, they are unique enough that finding responsible breeders, breed associations, or other information is not an easy task.
Before deciding to get a Persian Maine Coon mix, you should know all the potential issues, either positive or negative, about them.
These new mixed breeds, such as the Persian Maine Coon mix, can be difficult to predict what the kittens produced will be like. Of course, their coloring, coat, size, and build may vary greatly depending on which parent they take after. They may even be an even mix of both parents. In any case, you may get a kitten that is quite unique in looks and temperament.
Both Persian and Maine Coons are great pets thanks to quite a few similarities. They share friendly personalities, steadfast loyalty, and an athletic nature. In addition, both breeds are well-suited to active family life.
What is a Persian Maine Coon Mix?
A Persian Maine Coon mix is a cat or kitten with one parent, a Persian, and the other a Maine Coon.
Persian Maine Coon mixes can be very friendly. The Persian and the Maine Coon are both excellent family companions with loving, energetic tendencies. However, they each have their own personalities. These personalities and tendencies may combine in a mixed kitten, so you may get an incredible fluffy bundle of fur that defies both parents’ personalities.
Persians tend to be more dignified, intelligent, and aloof. On the other hand, Maine Coon breeds are usually more people-oriented, eager to please, and playful. Both breeds have a loyal and protective nature. However, Persian Maine Coon mixes are prone to being shy around strangers. Therefore, they must receive plenty of socialization and basic training beginning in kittenhood and continuing throughout their lives.
This mixed breed can easily be trained with their intelligence and desire to please. However, you should rely on positive reinforcement because of their sensitivity when teaching and interacting with them.
What is the difference between the Persian and the Maine Coon?
The Persian is intelligent and docile, which makes them easy companions. However, they do demand affection.
The Persian cat is recognizable by their long, dense fur, round eyes, and flat face.
The Persian coat has to be groomed to keep it from matting. This may be the most significant deciding factor whether you want a Persian. This can also impact mixed kittens from a Persian parent.
Maine Coon cats are called gentle giants and the dogs of the cat breeds. They are known for their laid-back, loving nature. These cats can be taught to play fetch and walk on a leash. They have no problem riding to the beach or the vet’s office in the car.
Maine Coons are also known for being quite vocal and will talk nonstop to their people just to be talking. In addition, they are athletic and powerful. They can weigh up to twenty pounds, and some individuals can weigh more.
When they grow up, how big do they become?
Persians are ten to fifteen inches tall and have shorter, stockier legs than a Maine Coon. They measure from fourteen to eighteen inches long, not counting their tail, and weigh nine to fourteen pounds, with females slightly less.
The Maine Coon is quite large compared to a Persian and can measure from eighteen to thirty-nine inches and stand from ten to sixteen inches high. They weigh thirteen to twenty pounds. Females weigh slightly less.
It can be assumed that a Persian Maine coon mix will be slightly smaller than a Maine Coon, but somewhat larger than a Persian. However, that could differ for some kittens.
Do Persian Maine Coon Mixes Take a Long Time to Develop?
Persian cats are usually mature by the age of two years. Unfortunately, Maine Coons are slow to mature. It can take five years for them to become fully grown.
A Persian Maine Coon kitten has the genetics of both breeds and may mature as slowly as the Maine Coon parent. If you have one of these mixed kittens, it would be wise to err on the safe side and expect them not to mature for four to five years.
Does a Persian Maine Coon Mix have a long life expectancy?
This depends on which parent the kitten takes after. Taking both breeds’ lifespan estimates, you can expect your Persian Maine Coon Mix to last twelve to fifteen years. Persians live for twelve to fifteen years, and Maine Coons live for ten to seventeen years. You may have a kitten that lives longer.
Can you tell me how my Persian Maine Coon mix will behave?
There is no doubt that Persian cats are known and loved for their very sweet, gentle, calm disposition. Despite Persian cats’ friendliness, they need gentle handling, which means no roughhousing or grabbing by young children. When children are kind and respectful, they get along just fine. Still, they would rather be stroked and admired than engage in strenuous activities. Besides cats, Persians also enjoy the company of calm dogs. Be it a plush chair or a sun-filled window ledge, Persians enjoy sprawling out in their favorite spot. A Persian is a homebody. Keep them indoors to avoid overheating or tangles in their long, profuse coats. Persian cats don’t mind being left alone for short periods as long as they are in their own homes where they feel comfortable and safe.
An intelligent, friendly, and gentle cat, the Maine Coon is said to have a dog-like disposition. Known for their laid-back nature and self-assurance, Maine Coons make great playmates for gentle children. Their peaceful coexistence with other household pets includes cats and dogs that are friendly to cats. Inquisitive and social, Maine Coons tend to get involved in everything going on in the house. Maine Coons are talkative but not overly loud cats, expressing themselves through various soft and melodious meows, chirps, and trills. Positive training methods and tasty treats motivate these cats to learn tricks. These cats respond well to positive training methods and enjoy learning tricks. Maine Coons love water and will play in it, bathe, dip their food, and even swim.
Now that you know what each parent breed is like just imagine the mix of traits you can get with a mixed kitten from these two breeds as parents. You could end up with the lovable, fluffy cat of your dreams. Can you imagine a Persian looking cat that loves to swim?
What should I feed my Persian Maine Coon Mix?
The Maine Coon requires a high-protein diet. This is because they mature slowly, and meat contains the proteins they need for the long time they grow into their mature, adult selves. Since the Maine Coon needs a protein-rich diet, a Persian Main Coon mix should have that same diet. An additional hairball formula should also be given along with a high protein diet. Persians shed, and it’s inevitable they will have problems with hairballs. Feeding a hairball formula will help eliminate most of the hairball issues.
Is my Persian Maine Coon Mix likely to have health issues?
Both Persians and Maine Coons have some of the same health issues. Unfortunately, most information you will find online tends to refer to the health of a purebred.
Both the Persian and Maine Coon are known to have an increased risk of polycystic kidney disease (PKD), for example. Of course, that doesn’t mean that another breed can’t get PKD. It’s just that the Persian and Maine Coon have a predisposition to it.
Both of these breeds also share the issue of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (heart disease). A mixed kitten may be even more prone to these health problems because of their parents.
Persian cats are also prone to progressive retinal atrophy, bladder stones, and cystitis (bladder infection). These other issues may appear in your mixed kitten but may be rarer since the Maine Coon is the other parent in this mix.
Maine Coons can also suffer from hip dysplasia and spinal muscular atrophy. You may have heard of spinal muscular atrophy called SMA and in a human setting instead of a cat setting, but it’s the same disease.
Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic neuromuscular disorder affecting motor neurons in the spinal cord which causes progressive muscle degeneration and weakness.
In a Maine Coon it manifests by progressive instability, unsteady gait, and posture abnormalities. This is due to the loss of motor neurons in the lower spinal cord and the atrophy of muscles in the hind limbs. SMA first shows in affected kittens at about 3-4 months of age. You should be aware that your Persian Maine Coon mix could be affected by this disease as well.
I am interested in purchasing a Persian Maine Coon Mix. What should I expect to pay?
A purebred Persian kitten can cost anywhere from $500 to $2000, and a Maine Coon kitten costs about the same at $800 to $2000. The cost range changes because of age, health, color, status, rarity, gender, and demand. Your Persian Maine Coon mix may not cost as much but this will depends on their parents heritage and DNA. Persian Maine Coon kittens may have more Persian characteristics than Maine Coons or vice versa. Breeders of these cats make a choice about what they will charge. If you can find a breeder. There aren’t many breeders that work in crossbreeding.
The Persian Maine coon mix should cost a bit less than their parent breeds, but it depends on where you get them. They have a life expectancy of fourteen years. They are laid back, easy-going, playful, fun-loving, and social and should take on the attributes of both parent breeds. This mixed cat will mature later than your average cat as the Maine Coon parentage is slow to develop. These kittens need a protein-rich diet with some hairball remedy-type food mixed in because of the parent breeds’ needs. All in all, this mixed breed of cat would make a great family pet.
Do you have a Persian Maine Coon mix? If so, we’d love to hear from you about your furry friend and your life with them. Leave any questions or comments below. Again, we’d love to hear from you.