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7 Best Brushes for Long-Haired Cats

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If you own a long-haired cat, you will know one of the biggest challenges is grooming. Finding a good brush for long-haired cats will make the process a little easier for you. 

Regularly brushing your long-haired cat, especially a Persian, is crucial to keeping them healthy and happy. Their fur will quickly become tangled and messy if it isn’t brushed. Another benefit to daily brushing is reduced shedding. Unfortunately, Persian cats shed multiple times per year. While this can’t be avoided, you can help reduce shedding by brushing them daily.

When you get into a daily routine of brushing your Persian cat you will find that their coat looks a lot better and has more shine in general. Most long-haired cat owners fall into the trap of not brushing their cat enough. Let’s face it, most cats don’t enjoy the process. I fell into this trap with Milo myself. The problem with infrequent brushing is mats and tangles appear that are painful to remove and in most cases these will need to be shaved out.  

In this post, we will review the 7 best brushes for long-haired cats. I’ve found that certain brushes make the grooming process much easier for both yourself and your cat.

Hopefully, this will help you both stop dreading the brushing process and help keep your cat’s fur from becoming matted.

7 Best Brushes for Long-Haired Cats

Quick Reference:

#1: FURminator DeShedding Tool

#2: Hertzko Self Cleaning Cat Slicker Brush

#3: Rosewood Double-Sided Cat Brush

#4: Rosewood Fine Cat Comb

#5: Chirpy Pets Brush

#6: Safari Pet Products Cat Shedding Comb

#7: GoPets Dematting Comb


Before we look at the best brushes, let’s address some FAQs.

What is a Long-Haired Cat Brush?

A long-haired cat brush is a brush that is specifically designed to help groom a cat with long fur. Short-haired cats don’t need to be brushed as often and a different style of brush would be used for these cats. Long-haired cats need to be brushed with a comb that can remove dead hair, reduce shedding, and prevent mats. 

Do I Need to Brush my Cat’s Fur?

Absolutely! Long-haired cats have thick coats that need to be brushed multiple times a week (or day). Otherwise, their coats will become matted. This also helps remove excess fur, which can lead to fewer fur balls and less shedding. 

If you have an older or injured cat, brushing helps these cats stay groomed as it is harder for them to do it themselves. Brushing is also a good time to check your cat for fleas. 

How Often Should I Brush my Cat’s Fur?

Short-haired cats don’t need to be brushed as often. Short-haired cats can be brushed once a week. Long-haired cats, however, should be brushed 1-2 times each day. Yes, this seems like a lot of grooming but it is essential to help your long-haired cat’s fur stay healthy. This is something you should consider before adopting a long-haired cat.

Why is my Cat’s Fur Matted?

Your cat’s fur can become matted for a variety of reasons. Matted fur is often found in areas where there is a lot of friction, like between their legs or on their chest. Fur can also become matted as a result of shedding. When hair falls off but stays on your cat’s coat, it can become tangled. These mats can become tight balls that put pressure on your cat’s skin.

What Should I Do if my Cat’s Fur is Matted?

If you notice a mat in your cat’s fur, you need to try to work it out. Mats are very uncomfortable and can prevent oxygen from reaching your cat’s skin. This could result in dry, itchy, and irritated skin. 

If the mat is small, you can try to work it out with your fingers. Apply a small amount of detangling oil and try to gently loosen the mat. You can also use a special mat comb to work out the knot. Be gentle and soothing during the process. 

Never cut out a mat. The skin by the mat is very delicate and it is easy to accidentally cut the skin. If the mat is too hard for you to remove on your own, you may need to visit a vet to get this removed professionally. We created a guide on removing mats and tangles from Persian cats.

How Can I Help My Cat Enjoy Being Brushed?

It might not seem like it at first, but it is possible to help your cat enjoy being brushed. It is important to remember your specific cat’s personality when brushing them. Are they calmer at a certain part of the day? Do they already enjoy being petted or groomed? Think about these factors before getting started.

When introducing your cat to the brush, give them some time to sniff the brush. But, you don’t want to let your cat attack the brush as this will only teach them that the brush is a toy or something to be feared. Start by brushing with gentle pressure. You can start with just a few minutes and slowly work up to a longer brushing session. Don’t be afraid to reward your cat with a treat or soothing words when you are brushing them.

What Should I Look for in a Long-Haired Cat Brush? 

When selecting the right brush for your long-haired cat, there are a few things you should focus on. The teeth, bristles, and handle are the most important parts of the brush. 

  • Teeth– You will want a brush with finer teeth, as this will help work through the thick fur of a long-haired cat.
  • Bristles– Look for brushes with medium-long bristles. This will be useful for brushing thick fur. Longer bristles can reach the dead skin from the undercoat.
  • Handle– Make sure you consider the handle before selecting a brush. You will want something that is comfortable for you to hold while you are brushing your cat.

The Best Brushes for Long-Haired Cats 

Now that you know why brushing your long-haired cat is important and what to look for in a brush, let’s move on to the reviews. I’ve tried many different brushes and these seven are the perfect option for long-haired cats.

#1: FURminator DeShedding Tool

The Furminator DeShedding tool eliminates shedding by up to 90% which is an impressive feat. It does this by tackling the fur undercoat and safely removing loose hairs. The FURejector button releases hair with ease. It’s also said to help strengthen hair follicles and invigorate the skin.​

In theory, this tool will reduce hairballs and if used daily it will help keep your Persian cat’s coat in good condition, avoiding unwanted mats and tangles. I would rate this in addition to a cat slicker as the ultimate grooming tool for your long-haired cat.

Furminator recently released a slightly cosmetically revised version of this brush. You can find it here.

I did a few review of this product that you can read here.


  • Reduces shedding by up to 90%
  • Prevents mats and tangles
  • Invigorates the skin and strengthens hair follicles


  • This is one of the more expensive brushes on the market
  • Not all cats enjoy being brushed, so it can take time to get them used to this
  • Some users noted it is difficult to remove hair from the teeth of the brush

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#2: Hertzko Self Cleaning Cat Slicker Brush

The Hertzko Self Clean Slicker Brush is a high quality and well-designed brush. It’s made from high-quality materials and has a solid feel to it. This is a great all-round brush and one of the best slicker brushes on the market. It narrowly missed out on being our best brush for long-haired cats due to the fact this brush won’t solely remove hairs from your cat’s undercoat.

The soft bristles make this brush a pleasure to use and you will find that after a while your cat won’t mind being brushed with this tool as it doesn’t pull at the fur as much as most brushes.


  • Reduces shedding 
  • Soft bristles 
  • Quick release for easy cleaning


  • Won’t remove mats
  • This product can be challenging to use as you need to hold down a button while brushing
  • Bristles might be too sharp and irritating for some cats

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#3: Rosewood Double-Sided Cat Brush

The Rosewood Double-Sided brush is made from good quality materials and feels like a product that will last. This is a great brush to be used in addition to a brush like the FURminator DeShedding tool. If you’re looking to only purchase one all-round brush, this wouldn’t be the brush I’d recommend as it won’t tackle the undercoat of a long-haired cat. Therefore it won’t prevent mats or tangles.

Being a double-sided brush it does have the benefit of having the soft bristled side which is good for removing any loose surface hairs.​


  • Works well in addition to other brushes
  • Soft bristles
  • High quality


  • Won’t remove mats
  • Expensive for what it is
  • Not a great option if you only want one brush

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#4: Rosewood Fine Cat Comb

Rosewood comb

The Rosewood fine comb is a good tool to have as part of your grooming kit. I’ve had this product for 3 years and used it most days. It still seems as good as new and feels like it will last many years. This comb works well but I’ve found it does tend to pull the hair a bit if there are a few tangles so you do need to be cautious when using it.

Overall, this is a good comb for the price and something I would recommend in addition to the products listed above.


  • Works well in addition to other brushes
  • Fairly priced
  • High quality


  • Not very effective on its own
  • Pulls fur if there are mats
  • Not great for removing mats 

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#5: Chirpy Pets Brush

The Chirpy Pets Brush works to remove 90% of the shedding fur from your long-haired cat in minutes. This is a great tool if you don’t have a lot of time to spend on grooming or if your cat doesn’t enjoy being brushed. The brush is made from 4-inch stainless steel, which helps protect your cat from being injured by the brush. 

The handle is strong and comfortable, so this is a brush that will last for a while. Be aware, that since this brush removes a lot of fur, it is easy to over brush. Try to brush your cat’s entire coat instead of focusing on one area. 


  • Removes 90% of shedding fur
  • Works quickly
  • Comfortable handle


  • Easy to over brush
  • Can catch and rip out hair
  • Sharper than some other brushes on the market

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#6: Safari Pet Products Cat Shedding Comb

The Safari Pet Shedding Comb is a great addition to your set of grooming tools. It is recommended by professional groomers. The comb includes a contoured wooden handle, which makes it comfortable to hold for the entire grooming process. The teeth are small and rounded, which means it is gentle on your cat’s skin. 

This comb works to help remove nits, fleas, and small pieces of dirt that are trapped in your cat’s coat. This is also a great tool to use if your long-haired cat happens to have a mat. Use this brush to work out tangled fur, but remember to be gentle during that process.


  • Comfortable handle
  • Works to remove mats
  • Small and rounded teeth


  • Needs to be used with other brushes so it isn’t a great all-in-one tool
  • Teeth are not long, so it doesn’t work for the undercoat
  • The handle isn’t comfortable for all users

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#7: GoPets Dematting Comb with 2 Sided Professional Grooming Rake

 The GoPets Dematting Comb has two sides which offer different types of combs. The lower density side is perfect for working out mats or tough tangles. The higher density side can be used as a comb and deshedding tool. This is a great all-in-one brush as it works as a deshedder and detangler. 

The comb has sharp, rounded teeth so it won’t pull your cat’s fur or irritate their skin. The handle is made from a non-slip silicone gel that contours to your hand, so it is very comfortable to use. This comb is easy to use and make the brushing process quick and pain-free. It is more expensive than other tools on the market, but it is a two-in-one brush, so keep that in mind when comparing prices.


  • Two-in-one tool
  • Comfortable for your hand
  • Won’t pull or irritate your cat


  • One of the more expensive brushes on the market
  • Doesn’t always work well on thick mats
  • Some users complained that the handle breaks easily

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Long-Haired Cat Brushes Round-Up

#1: FURminator DeShedding Tool

  • Reduces shedding by 90%  
  • Invigorates the skin and strengthens hair follicles
  • Difficult to clean
  • $$$

#2: Hertzko Self Cleaning Cat Slicker Brush

  • Reduces shedding  
  • Easy to clean 
  • Doesn’t remove all mats
  • $$  

#3: Rosewood Double-Sided Cat Brush

  • Not an all-in-one brush  
  • Double-sided
  • Works to remove surface hairs and debris
  • $$

#4: Rosewood Fine Cat Comb

  • Not an all-in-one brush  
  • Lasts for a long time
  • Can pull fur

#5: Chirpy Pets Brush

  • Removes 90% of shedding fur  
  • Works quickly
  • Easy to over brush
  • $$

#6: Safari Pet Products Cat Shedding Comb

  • Not an all-in-one brush 
  • Works to remove mats
  • Good for removing fleas and debris
  • $

#7: GoPets Dematting Comb with 2 Sided Professional Grooming Rake

  • Two-in-one brush that works as a detangler and deshedder  
  • Comfortable for both you and your cat 
  • The handle can break easily and release gel
  • $$$

Final Thoughts

You will most likely need more than one tool to groom your long-haired cat. The best and most useful tool I’ve used to keep Milo’s coat in good condition is the FURminator DeShedding Tool. Using this tool a few times per week will massively reduce shedding and prevent mats and tangles.

It might take your cat a little while to get used to this tool. But don’t worry,  once they do, it’s a fantastic tool and easily worth the price. I’ve even used this on my British Shorthair, Teddy when he sheds his winter coat. The FURminator works well at removing the deep undercoat hairs that are so often difficult to remove with most brushes. These are normally the hairs you find around your house!

If your budget allows I would advise the first three products listed on this page as a “complete fur grooming kit”; however if your budget doesn’t allow I’d recommend the Hertzko Self Cleaning Cat Slicker Brush and the FURminator DeShedding Tool as two great tools to use together.

Whatever brush you decide to use, remember that is is important to brush your long-haired cat at least once a day with a cat brush slicker. This alone will vastly improve their coat condition and give them a healthier looking coat. If daily grooming isn’t possible then the bare minimum would be 3-4 times per week. Getting a new kitten or a newly adopted cat can be a challenge but persistence is the key and they will eventually adapt to being brushed, even if it does take some time to do so.​

I hope you found this post useful as you decide what brush is best for your long-haired cat. Do you have any long-haired cat grooming stories or tips to share? We’d love to hear them! Feel free to leave them in the comments below.

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