The Persian cat originated in Persia, now known as Iran. Persians are brachycephalic, meaning they have flat faces. Persians are medium-sized cats weighing from eight to thirteen pounds. They are eight to eleven inches long compared to the Siberian cats at ten to sixteen inches. Siberian cats originated in Russia and are closer to the Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest cat than the Persian cat. These cats are smaller than a Main Coon and larger than a Norwegian Forest cat. Siberian cats weigh ten to twenty pounds. These two breeds appear to be quite different from each other. Let’s look at some other differences between them.
Cat lovers know the Persian breed very well. These cats are a beautiful long-haired breed with cute little round faces and flat noses.
It’s unknown when long-haired cats first appeared or where the Persian cats truly originated. Still, they were discovered in Persia, or Iran, as it’s known today.
These cats were introduced in Great Britain as a gift to Queen Victoria. Later, in the 1900s, they were introduced to the United States. This cat was developed first by the English and then joined by American breeders after the Second World War.
The Siberian cat originated from Russia, a frigid area that explains why these cats have a thick three-layered coat.
Siberians are an ancient breed, some believed to be ancestral to all modern long-haired cats.
The national cat of Russia, the Siberian wasn’t introduced in the United States until 1990.
The Persian cat is a heavy-boned medium-sized cat. These cats weigh from eight to thirteen pounds. They have a round head, round eyes, a flat face, stocky legs, a thick neck, and small ears. These cats are fantastic balls of fluff.
Their coats are long, thick, and silky. Persian cats come in over sixty color combinations, and their eyes can be blue, green, brown, copper, or odd-eyed.
Persians usually aren’t the most active of cats. Therefore, owners will want to pay attention to how much their attention will need to be given to exercising the cat to manage his weight. In addition, this cat needs to control his nutrition to stay healthy.
Persians enjoy playing games with their human family and need some toys to encourage play and exercise.
Persians are calm and gentle cats but can have energy bursts. They enjoy quiet and would rather sleep away the day than run around and play. Louder, more boisterous households should make sure their Persian has a quiet place to go. They aren’t super vocal but communicate better with their big round eyes and soft voices. These cats love children and other pets.
The Siberian is a large cat that weighs ten to twenty pounds.
These cats are powerfully built and are known to be excellent jumpers. They have large paws, full tails, medium ears, and large round eyes. In addition, the cat has a slight arch to its back as the hind legs are a bit longer than the front legs.
Their glossy coat is thick with three layers to protect it from extreme weather conditions. Siberian cats come in different colors such as solid, tabby, colorpoint, and tortoiseshell. They shed seasonally.
The Siberian cat is highly affectionate and playful with family. But, despite that, they also love to curl up close to their humans.
These cats love to follow their people and hang out where they are. Siberian cats are intelligent and can learn some tricks. Siberian cats are athletic, and having a sturdy climbing tree in their space would go a long way to keep them happy. As with the Persian, this cat loves children and other pets.
Health Problems
These cats can suffer from brachycephalic airway syndrome, polycystic kidney disease (PKD), progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), bladder stones, cystitis (bladder infections), and liver shunts. However, most responsible breeders take steps to avoid these problems.
Persians are also susceptible to malocclusions. This particular condition can affect the cat’s ability to grasp and hold food. As a result, pet food manufacturing companies have begun making food catering to the Perisan cat’s needs. There are also dishes made that sit at a tilt to help the flat faced cats eat.
Although no health conditions are proven associated with Siberian cats, there are some claims about issues they may be at risk for, including polycystic kidney disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), (PKD), feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD),hereditary cancer, and periodontal disease.
Because they produce small amounts of FelD1, a primary allergen on cats and kittens, Siberian cats are considered hypoallergenic.
Care of these Cats
The Persian cat’s coat sheds heavily, so they need regular brushing. A daily brush will help keep the Persians’ fur from matting. In addition, their eyes tend to tear because of their flat faces, so their eyes will need to be kept clean.
Siberians have thick, beautiful coats. However, these cats tend to shed seasonally and should be brushed twice a week. In addition, you should keep their claws trimmed and check their ears for redness, dirt, wax buildup, and unpleasant odors.
So, there we have a bit of information about the differences between Persian and Siberian cats. These cats may not share appearances, but they are affectionate, alert, cheerful, friendly, gentle, independent, and intelligent, among other traits. So, what do you think about these cat breeds? Let us know in the comments.