The Persian British Shorthair mix is known as a British Longhair cat. The British Shorthair once called the British Blue, nearly became extinct during World War I and II. They were saved by breeding Persians, Russian Blues, and French Chartreux cats in hopes of keeping the blue-grey coloring. However, their Persian parentage caused some kittens to be born long-haired, as Persians have the long-hair gene.
What is a Persian British Shorthair Mix?
A British Longhair is a cross between a British Shorthair and a Persian cat. They inherit some of the most desirable traits of their parents, such as being friendly, independent, and affectionate.
Known for their easygoing nature and teddy bear-like appearance, the British Longhair is an adorable feline. Despite enjoying human company, these cats are independent and low-key enough to be left alone for long periods. Remember, however, that long-haired cats require extra grooming commitments.
What is the difference between the Persian cat and the British Shorthair?
Persian Cat
The Persian is a long-haired cat with rounded ears and gorgeous eyes. These cats are intelligent and docile, which makes them easy companions. However, they do demand affection.
The Persian cat is recognizable by their long, dense fur coat, big round eyes, and flat face. They are known to be placid and gentle, making them an excellent choice for families.
The Persian coat has to be groomed to keep it from matting. This may be the most significant determining factor in whether you want a Persian. This can also impact mixed kittens from a Persian parent.
British Shorthair
The British shorthair cat has a short, dense coat and a distinctively rounded head and face. These cats are sweet and affectionate but not needy or clingy. The breed originated in the United Kingdom and developed naturally and became the region’s first domestic shorthaired cat. Initially, British shorthairs were blue-grey in color. Today, British shorthairs come in various colors and patterns, including solids, bicolors, tabbies, tortoises, and calicos.
There is a possibility that British shorthairs are the oldest breed of cat in Great Britain. Shorthaired street cats are believed to have originated as British shorthairs. Breeders refined the cats until they became the British shorthairs we know and love today. In 1871, England’s first organized cat show featured British shorthairs. Because blue (gray) was a predominant color in the breed, especially early on, it was called British Blue.
These cats were imported to the United States in the early nineteen hundreds. At that time the British Shorthair was called the Domestic Shorthair.
Finally, when nineteen eighty rolled around the Cat Fanciers Association recognized the British Shorthair as an official breed. Today, this breed is found all over the world.
I wrote an article looking at the differences between the British shorthair and the Persian (I happen to own both!), I have a good amount of real world experience comparing both. You can find the post here.
British Longhairs
British Longhairs are loving, easygoing cats just like their British Shorthair peers. They are intelligent, friendly, and adaptable cats. They are not as active as other breeds as they reach adulthood so are perfect for a quiet household. This slow inactivity can lead to obesity so their diet will need to be monitored.
Cats with quiet natures are ideal for households where their owners work long hours. To avoid boredom, they amuse themselves. Consider the case where you have a British Longhair and another cat. Even if they are different breeds, they can keep each other company when you cannot interact. Cat trees, wall perches, and window perches can also keep your cats entertained while at home alone
They enjoy being petted and cuddled despite their independence. Companionship with humans and animals is essential. Therefore, you must make time for them. When considering your schedule, keep your pet’s needs in mind. It is necessary to do this to determine if you can meet their needs
When they grow up, how big do they become?
The British longhair cat is medium-sized. These cats have long hair, pretty, round faces with plush coats, large round eyes, and sweet expressions to give this breed an adorable charm. Despite their fluffy coats, these cats have muscular, sturdy bodies. Typically, British longhairs weigh three to seven kilograms or eight to sixteen pounds, with males weighing more. In height, they range from twenty-seven to thirty-five centimeters or eleven to fourteen inches.
Do Persian British Shorthair Mixes Take a Long Time to Develop?
At the age of four years, a British Longhair cat is fully mature, meaning they are able to have kittens safely and all kitten ailments should dissipate.
Does a Persian British Shorthair Mix have a long life expectancy?
The British Longhair can live up to sixteen years. Some of these cats may live longer. This is due to their genetics as well as the care they receive during their lifetimes. If they get a good diet, love, and a nice home they are bound to live a long life.
Can you tell me how my Persian British Shorthair mix will behave?
A British Longhair is lovely, with many unique features. They are docile, easy-going, peaceful, and show little aggression.
It makes them suitable for families with young kids and elderly family members. They’re perfect companions and will become attached to their guardians.
British Longhairs will live with other pets with no problems. They are assertive and independent. However, they don’t like to be alone when everyone is home, so they will put themselves right in the middle of anything the family does.
These cats want to be respected. They want personal space when to ask for affection and not be held too tightly. Therefore, it is essential to encourage movement and playtime and monitor their food intake. Their laid-back and almost lazy nature means they can quickly gain weight, especially if altered.
What should I feed my Persian British Shorthair Mix?
British Longhairs don’t have any specific requirements, but they still need a balanced diet. Cat food containing high protein, fat, small amounts of carbs, and essential vitamins and minerals are perfect. A good quality wet cat food will nourish and maintain their coats.
A hairball remedy-type food may be needed to keep hairballs at bay. Wet food can often be enough to keep hairballs away because of the moisture in them.
You should avoid free feeding your British Longhair as they are prone to obesity, especially as they age and slow down. Scheduled mealtimes are best for these cats.
Is my Persian British Shorthair Mix likely to have health issues?
The British Longhair breed is susceptible to polycystic kidney disease. This condition is characterized by cysts that develop in the kidneys from birth, gradually increasing in size until the kidney cannot function normally. There is a genetic test available for this disease. They are also prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. As a result, the heart walls thicken, and the volume of blood it pumps decreases with each contraction. Heart disease can cause fainting, fatigue, and other symptoms.
I am interested in purchasing a Persian British Shorthair Mix. What should I expect to pay?
The British Longhair is considered a purebred cat, so you can expect to pay $1000 to $2500 if you get your cat from a breeder. However, you can look around shelters and welfare associations hoping to adopt one, although they are unlikely to be registered and certified.
By mixing the Persian with the British Shorthair to save the breed from extinction breeders got what is now called a British Longhair. They are sweet, quiet, affectionate cats. With a quiet personality and the ability to stay at home for long periods while their owners are away at work, they make a great addition to any family.
Do you have a British Longhair? If so, let us know all about your furry friend. Leave any comments below.
Great write up, ive learn so much about my cat now and its diet and character. No wonder it like to interact with our rabbit as well.
Thanks a bunch!